Home Travel 5 Gadgets To Bring On Your Next International Flight To Make Time Fly By
Useful travel gadgets

5 Gadgets To Bring On Your Next International Flight To Make Time Fly By

by Lena

If you’re a seasoned traveller, the original feeling of excitement that used to overcome you before an upcoming flight has probably faded. Instead of feeling giddy in the security line, anxious to arrive at your next destination, you are just ready for the flight and entire airport experience to be over. Instead of chatting with your fellow passengers to speed up time, you turn to those much needed electronics and fancy gadgets, especially during long international flights.

On your next international flight, or any flight for that matter, don’t forget to pack these five essential gadgets that will surely make time fly faster than any airplane could. As a geek, your gadgets are important to this trip, almost as much as staying safe while traveling. These will change your outlook on the whole flying experience, so don’t fear that next 13 hour flight!

Power Bank or Backup Battery

A portable power bank or backup battery for your electronics is a must-have. That dreaded moment when your phone or iPad or eReader warns you that battery life is coming to an end can easily be avoided by bringing a portable power source to plug these small electronics into. But remember, don’t leave for the airport without charging your backup power source first!


If you feel pressed for space during a long flight – which is more than likely in those cramped airplane seats – a windowshelf might be a smart investment. Lots of us like those window seats to experience the initial excitement of taking off from the runway, but after that it just feels tight and cluttered. Utilize the most of your limited space by packing a removable shelf that actually attaches to the window, but be sure to purchase one that is universally compatible with all commercial airlines.

NapAnywhere Pillow

If all you want to do during a long flight is get some shut eye, but just can’t seem to find a comfortable place to rest your head, be sure to pack a NapAnywhere pillow. This is actually a portable pillow that you can rest on your shoulder and adjust so that your head rests comfortably. So now you won’t have to take a nap on your tray table – or even worse, on the shoulder of your neighbor.

Retimer Glasses

This gadget is for those travellers who want to avoid jet lag at any cost. These “glasses” actually help your body to adjust to time changes across the world by gradually adjusting the light taken in by your eyes. So if you have a short trip coming up and don’t want to waste your time feeling jet-lagged, pack a pair of retimer glasses in your carry on.


Those tiny airline tray tables can barely fit more than your Starbucks cup, so utilize space by bringing an Airhook. This gadget actually hooks onto headrest of the seat directly in front of you, and can hold both a small gadget – like a phone, tablet, or eReader – and a coffee cup simultaneously. This leaves your tray table space available for other use.

These five travel essentials will be sure to greatly improve your flying experience, so don’t forget to pack them for your next big trip!

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